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...for more success




Success Needs Training!



  • Instore Trainings
    m.a.s provides on-site trainings for the qualification of the sales personnel. Here, our employees train the personnel of the markets in order to improve the sale of your products. In doing so, besides necessary know-how, specific sales arguments of your company are also acquired.
  • Sales Promotion
    We offer individual and professional sales trainings for your marketing field and office services. Our offer ranges from classic telephone training and the development and formation of an individual sales rhetoric and kinesics (eloquence and body language) to tactic planning and active exercise of sales conversations. Furthermore, we develop together with your marketing team success strategies for the all decisive price negotiations and final discussions, and provide training specifically in accordance with the most recent methods of behavior and sales techniques.
  • Product Trainings
    We show you and your employees how products are presented convincingly and sold successfully during sales conversations. In this context, m.a.s products schooling comprises conception, planning and organization as well as implementation of product trainings.
  • Presentation Trainings
    We communicate classic elements for a successful presentation to your team and exercise the confident handling of medial instruments. The objective is to promote your employees so far that they may make even already through the presentation a convincing contribution to the increase of the demand for your products and services.
  • Communication Strategies
    It is necessary to deploy and implement one’s personal expressiveness and persuasiveness. Through our miscellaneous strategies the communicative and argumentative talents of your employees are improved as we provide them instruments necessary for a successful conversation. In as much as that, only an employee trained in rhetoric is the visiting card that you may desire for your company.
  • Train the Trainer
    We show you how to implement seminars in an effective, practice-oriented and successful manner. You will learn the methodologies of planning and configuration of trainings, as well as the most important competences and methods for implementing such trainings effectively. You will improve your training behavior, your personal methodology as well as your rhetoric, and learn how to ensure the transfer and success of learning. Moreover, our trainers train you also in matters as how to deal with problematic situations during trainings and how to spark even difficult participants for your training nevertheless.
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